Social media or spiritual meeting?

Femi Oladele
3 min readFeb 10, 2017


Pray on social media or protest in a spiritual meeting?

The rate at which Christians are battered these days is grossly alarming, yet it is in line with the responsibility we bear as HIS soldiers; remember “I’d be a true soldier and I will die at my post” or was that just a song that we liked singing?

Apart from the fact that JESUS made it clear that when we choose to serve HIM, we will have to endure persecution; HIS life remains a notable example, fulfilling prophecies as well. For example, it was written concerning HIM that “he was…led as a lamb to the slaughter…” We must therefore be comforted that although suffering is not palatable, it is to bring out the best in us in line with Scriptures “that your patience may bear fruit…” (paraphrased)

Yet the timing and manner at which Christians resort to social media to protest persecution baffles me a lot. From the following examples, we can see that that is not GOD’S way of response; HE will never sanction protest nor would HE be obliged to respond or interfere in an affair that we have not called HIM to.

It is rather best to pray to GOD in a spiritual meeting than rant or protest on social media and HE will respond (intervene).

1. The Children of Israel in Egypt

When they got tired of the oppressions of the Egyptians, it is recorded that they cried unto GOD (Exodus 2:23–25). Recall that it is recorded that they were stronger than the Egyptians (Exodus 1: 12, 20), so they could have raised a revolution, yet they acknowledged that they were helpless without GOD’S help. It is convenient to argue that social media was nonexistent at the time, which is true, but it is the same communication tactics. They had the reach, they could send messages across the land, yet they sent a prayer to GOD, who answered (Exodus 3: 7–10).

2. JESUS, hours before HIS death was faced with a special force to harass HIM (Matthew 26: 50). Even when HE had told HIS Disciples to buy swords (Luke 22: 36) and eventually one of HIS Disciples went half-violent, HE rebuked him (Matthew 26:51–53). JESUS made it clear that protest does not provoke the heavenly. In Luke 22: 44, it is clear that HE prayed to the point that the Bible reports that HIS sweat was as great drops of blood, even when HE could have empowered HIS Disciples to fight. HE chose to settle it with GOD in prayer.

3. The Disciples of JESUS in Acts 4:3–18 were ordered not to preach JESUS and they left to inform other Disciples (Acts 4:23) and prayed (Acts 4: 24–30) and the result is documented in Acts 4: 31–37. They had a large following, they could have incited people to pick up arms against their rulers, yet they chose to meet with GOD through prayers in a spiritual meeting.

I will just stop here for today and challenge you. It is not improper to reach out to people through social media, but we, as Christians must be weary of protesting on social media, especially when we have not taken the issue to GOD in prayers. We must caution ourselves and not be too quick to post pictures of our sufferings on social media. The Scriptures even admonish us to endure in silence and reverence to GOD. Social media is not the right place and will never be the right channel to get GOD to respond to our situation.

I will just conclude with three other prominent examples. Moses’ situation with Miriam and Aaron in Numbers 12. Moses turned to GOD not men and in anger Moses in Numbers 16: 15 only asked GOD for a favor against the rebellious children. Remember Elijah and Elisha as well; they turned to GOD and not the crowd in their times of trouble.

Turn to GOD; HE is more than able to deliver and to save. Bless you brother and sister in JESUS’ name. Amen!!!



Femi Oladele

Author of Tripartite Accounting. I'm #DESIRE #WSFE #weinspire... #AccountingEducator #Academic #Researcher #Maverick